Founded by Africans and Americans amidst the Sahelian drought of the early 1970s, Africare has grown to become a leader in aid to Africa ― pioneering various types of self-help development programs and noted for our close partnerships with the people and leaders of Africa.
Africare’s philosophy has always been, “There are no Africare programs, only African programs.”
More Africare history
Early 1970s: “The task undertaken by Africare is immense”
Late 1970s: “Courage to stand firmly against great odds”
Early 1980s: “We need Africare to spread all over Africa”
Late 1980s: “A crucial threshold”
Early 1990s: “I profoundly believe in Africa”
Late 1990s: “The cusp of a new millennium”
Since 2000: “There are no Africare programs, only African programs”
“From the beginning, Africare was always there to work with the people and not to superimpose a plan for them. That kind of involvement both serves and empowers. And though it’s slow going, I think Africare has made a tremendous contribution in helping people take hold of, and work with, whatever resources they have.”
— Dr. Dorothy I. Height
National President
National Council of Negro Women

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