“Africare’s work begins where the road ends.”
Thank you for your interest in career opportunities with Africare, one of the oldest development organizations working on the continent.
Since 1970, Africare has been delivering development assistance to Africa and working to improve the lives of millions of Africans, particularly in the areas of health, education and agricultural development, with a specific emphasis on women and children.
Africare has traveled to more than 36 countries across the continent of Africa, moving through every imaginable terrain to reach and to meet communities where the needs are the greatest.
With over 1,200 engaged employees, working in 19 countries, we are committed to working in partnership with African countries to build sustainable, healthy and productive communities, and to be a leading voice on African development and policy issues.
Africare’s core programs include: Agriculture & Food Security; Health, HIV & AIDS; Water, Sanitation & Hygiene; Women’s Empowerment; and Resettlement. We are constantly searching for the perfect mix of new college talent and seasoned professionals to join our staff, add to our superior technical expertise and support our mission to improve the quality of life in Africa.
Africare is an equal opportunity employer and, in compliance with federal, state and/or city laws, does not discriminate in employment based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, marital status or disability. Minorities are encouraged to apply.
Africare’s Internship Program
The Africare Summer Internship Program is a 10 week program from June to August. The program is open to full-time or part-time undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students. Applicants must have excellent writing, research and Microsoft Office skills.
Positions are unpaid with a flexible schedule of up to 40 hours per week.
Jobs in Africa
A graduate degree, postgraduate work experience and fluency in English are general requirements for most Africare positions overseas. Depending on the country, some overseas positions require fluency in French, Portuguese or Arabic.
The most common positions with Africare in Africa are:
Country Representatives, Project Coordinators and Administrative Officers.
Country Representatives represent Africare in the host country among donors, government officials and non governmental organizations and oversee Africare’s programmatic, financial and administrative operations. Representatives are also responsible for program development, monitoring and evaluation. Applicants generally have a minimum of seven years of experience in program, financial and human resource management.
Project Coordinators are responsible for the management of specific projects in a country. They must have international work experience in at least one of the following technical specialties:
- Agriculture (agronomy, soil science, economics, horticulture, marketing, etc.)
- Water resource development
- Civil engineering
- Natural resource management
- Public health
- Women’s empowerment
- Microenterprise development
- Literacy and vocational training
- Civil-society development
- Governance
- Emergency/disaster response
Administrative Officers backstop field office operations and, in some countries, assist with project administration. Graduate training and work experience are required in agriculture, economics, business administration or related fields (such as those listed above for project coordinators). Previous international work experience is a plus.
When available, Africa-based job announcements are posted here.
Jobs in Washington, D.C.
- Food Security Program Manager
- Director of Monitoring and Evaluation
- Director of Office of Health, HIV & AIDS
Jobs in Africa
- Research Coordinator
Africare/Zambia - State Program Manager, Abia state
2013 Summer Internships
Skunder Boghossian Internships –
Washington, D.C.
Communications Intern – Washington, D.C.
Social Media and Online Marketing Intern – Washington, D.C.
Communications Translations Intern: French and Portuguese – Washington, D.C.
Jobs in Washington, D.C.
The staff at Africare’s Washington, D.C., headquarters provides support for its field offices in Africa. Positions in the areas of program management, budget and finance, fund raising, human resources and administrative services are available from time to time on a limited basis.
When available, Washington, D.C.-based job announcements are posted here.
Volunteer Opportunities
In general, Africare does not use volunteers in its overseas work and volunteer opportunities at Africare’s Washington, D.C., headquarters are very limited. When available, volunteer opportunities are posted here.
From time to time, Africare will need volunteers for its community related initiatives. To be added to the volunteer list, please email [email protected] today!
Consultancies in Africa
In its programmatic work overseas, Africare makes use of short-term consultants for project design, proposal writing, monitoring and evaluation, especially in the following areas:
- Child Survival
- Nutrition and Food Security
- Water
When available, consultancy announcements are posted here.

Barbara Meier schreibt seit vielen Jahren für die NPAlliance Ratgeber und Testberichte. Dabei legt sie großen Wert auf die Ausführlichkeit sowie Richtigkeit ihrer Artikel. Sie zählt zu den wenigen Experten in ihrem Gebiet und hat sich über die letzten Jahren einen Namen in der Gesundheitsbranche gemacht.