Proud Corporate Supporters of Africare:
Since 1993, Africare’s has partnered with ExxonMobil throughout West and Southern Africa, focusing mainly on women’s economic empowerment, malaria and the environment. Most recently, ExxonMobil invested $1.8 million in a community-based malaria intervention project targeting 95,000 people in Angola. In Chad, ExxonMobil has partnered with its local affiliate, Esso, to invest $2.5 million to empower 2,500 women. Under this Initiative for the Economic Empowerment of Women Entrepreneurs (IEEWEP), access to vocational training and micro-credit has increased.
Kasny Recon, Inc.
Leveraging IEEWEP’s success, Africare is furthering women’s economic stability in Chad in partnership with the Texas-based, Chadian-owned, personal product brand Shea Touch. Shea Touch and its parent company, Kasny Recon, Inc., are proud supporters of women’s entrepreneurship. Kasny has agreed to equip IEEWEP women with skills to make them competitive globally, and these women will earn contracts to develop key ingredients for beauty products that Kasny sells worldwide. This unique partnership will facilitate a sustainable market for IEEWEP producers as they master value-addition techniques, learn effective branding and gain unprecedented access to international consumers.
Initials, Inc.
In 2012, Africare began a partnership with the fashion and lifestyle company Initials, Inc., a Georgia-based company that offers home-based social selling opportunities for women across the U.S. Initials, Inc. has inspired thousands of independent, creative partners throughout the country to drive their own financial success through running their own Initials franchise.
Recognizing the strength financial success gives to Initials entrepreneurs, Africare and Initials, Inc. are expanding this work overseas. Africare began construction of a vocational skills center that will empower 200 people with mental and physical disabilities in Northern Zambia. Leadership and business skills training for center staff and beneficiaries will ensure effective management, profitability of beneficiary enterprises and sustainability of market access.
In addition to funding projects overseas, Initials, Inc. is also active in donating their products in-kind for events that support women’s empowerment initiatives, such as Africare’s “Girl Rising” screening in March of 2013. It is through partnerships like this that private sector and non-profit organizations change the face of economic opportunity throughout the world, and Africare is proud to partner with Initials, Inc.
Africare and Vale, one of the world’s largest mining corporations, are developing a high level institutional relationship that will enable clear and lasting results for local communities based on solid project implementation and rigorous monitoring and evaluation. Under this umbrella, Africare recently began implementing its first project in partnership with Vale in the West African country of Guinea, where Vale has invested in an iron ore mine.
Through a comprehensive needs assessment, Africare is working to bridge the interests of the community and Vale’s business ventures. This is the first step in a larger partnership that will encompass projects in other countries including Mozambique and Malawi, where Vale’s investments in a coalmine and a transportation corridor will bring lasting positive change to the region.
The Coca-Cola Company
Africare has implemented the Injongo Yethu Comprehensive HIV & AIDS project in South Africa’s Eastern Cape since 2004. This project uses a graduated approach to advance clinics into self-sustaining, certified sources of health care.
The Coca-Cola Company aims to support sustainable communities and to replenish 100% of the water used in its beverages and their production by 2020, so the company announced a long-term partnership with DEKA R&D to bring the “Slingshot” technology, which can use solar energy to transform sewage into clean water, to communities where potable water access is limited. Africare joined Coca-Cola and DEKA’s global partnership to bring the Slingshot to Africare-supported Injongo Yethu clinics.
Africare’s partnership with Chevron began in 1982. Most recently, Chevron has invested $1.44 million into community health initiatives in Angola. Chevron is also a proud sponsor of Africare’s annual fundraising event, The Bishop John T. Walker Memorial Dinner. Chevron’s contribution commitment exceeds $2.44 million to Africare to date.
In 2013, Africare is partnering with ZenoRadio to expand Africare’s reach among the African community living in the U.S. ZenoRadio, LLC is an innovative service that enables users to listen to live and archived news, sports, talk and music from “back home” on any mobile or landline phone. No data plans or smart phones are needed.
ZenoRadio’s proprietary platform affords broadcasters an opportunity to increase their market share and footprint among listeners across the U.S., Canada, France, U.K. and Israel. ZenoRadio also offers advertisers the opportunity to reach a targeted and viral U.S. immigrant community through audio prompts on its platform.
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We can then explore ideas and opportunities that will inspire change and opportunity for a more sustainable Africa.

Barbara Meier schreibt seit vielen Jahren für die NPAlliance Ratgeber und Testberichte. Dabei legt sie großen Wert auf die Ausführlichkeit sowie Richtigkeit ihrer Artikel. Sie zählt zu den wenigen Experten in ihrem Gebiet und hat sich über die letzten Jahren einen Namen in der Gesundheitsbranche gemacht.