Joseph C. Kennedy, Ph.D., retired senior vice president and director of international development, has been with Africare since 1971, when the organization was reincorporated in the District of Columbia (having been incorporated originally in Hawaii the year before). Dr. Kennedy was one of the three re-incorporators and one of the five original board members of the D.C. organization. In addition, he served on the staff as director of international development and senior vice president until his retirement in 1999. He has been a professor of psychology at Hunter College of the City University of New York and Prairie View A&M College, Texas. Dr. Kennedy’s writing on Africa and African development has appeared in such publications as theNew York Times Magazine and the Washington Post. He received his bachelor’s of science and master’s of administration degrees from Ohio State University and his doctor in philosophy in social psychology from Columbia University in New York. Dr. Kennedy is a life member of the Africare Board of Directors.
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