Infectious Diseases Institute, Uganda
Over a decade ago Accordia Global Health Foundation convened a group of committed partners to make a transformative investment in African healthcare. These allies envisioned a sustainable African health institution focused on infectious diseases, enabling continuous innovation and responsiveness to the most pressing regional health concerns. The institution would function at the intersection of training, research, and advanced clinical care to promote the highest quality standards of infectious disease care. It would be established in a world-class setting to enable international standards of research and to retain Africa’s best and brightest.
That vision led to the creation of the Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) at Makerere University in Uganda. Accordia helped bring together support from more than 30 organizations, including the government of Uganda. Today, IDI is an internationally recognized center for health research, training, and care, and an integral part of the Ugandan health system. Accordia’s flagship model for sustainable, locally owned, regional centers of excellence, IDI is already having the ripple effect we envisioned: transforming healthcare systems throughout Uganda and across the region. IDI conducts original and translational research, saves lives through the provision of high quality clinical and laboratory services, and strengthens the health workforce through ground-breaking training and medical education.
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The Institute for Child Wellness in Africa (TICWA), Malawi
Accordia Global Health Foundation has laid the groundwork for a center of excellence that will transform the way global development approaches child wellness in Africa. The Institute for Child Wellness in Africa (TICWA) at the University of Malawi will bring together leaders in health, education, social welfare, agriculture, business, and technology within a single enterprise to improve children’s health and well-being in developing countries around the world. Drawing from local and international best practices and expertise, TICWA will test and demonstrate new, integrated approaches to ensuring child health and wellness, and build capacity in the region to take them to scale. TICWA will develop its high quality research and training programs around a single, simple mission: keep children well.
By stimulating international collaboration and innovation TICWA will work with Malawians to create new, culturally appropriate ways to improve children’s chances of living long, productive, and happy lives. These innovations developed in Malawi will also provide a model for other countries throughout Africa, inspiring changes in policies and programs and enhancing child wellness across the continent.
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West African Infectious Diseases Institute, Nigeria
Based in Abuja, Nigeria, the West African Infectious Diseases Institute (WAIDI) is a collaborative multi-university organization with a mission to support and improve locally driven research and training across all infectious diseases. The institute promotes the use of evidence in setting strong health policy and ensuring that effective healthcare practices are implemented in the public and private sectors. Supported by funding from ExxonMobil and others, WAIDI is modeled on Accordia’s flagship center of excellence, the Infectious Diseases Institute at Makerere University in Uganda, and is locally owned and autonomous.
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Barbara Meier schreibt seit vielen Jahren für die NPAlliance Ratgeber und Testberichte. Dabei legt sie großen Wert auf die Ausführlichkeit sowie Richtigkeit ihrer Artikel. Sie zählt zu den wenigen Experten in ihrem Gebiet und hat sich über die letzten Jahren einen Namen in der Gesundheitsbranche gemacht.