Dr. Darius Mans is the president of Africare where he is responsible for the leadership and growth of our multicultural organization. Dr. Mans came to Africare in 2010 with over 30 years of development experience. Prior to joining Africare, he served as acting chief executive officer of Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).
Before MCC, Dr. Mans served as the organization’s vice president of implementation and oversaw the strategic and operational approaches of MCC’s entire compact implementation portfolio of over $6.3 billion in 18 countries. Dr. Mans also served as the managing director for Africa. In that capacity, he was responsible for increasing commitments to Africa by $1.6 billion.
Dr. Mans has held various positions at the World Bank including, director of the World Bank Institute. As such, he was responsible for its 45 country programs around the world; country director in Mozambique, where he designed and implemented a five-year program focused on infrastructure and private sector development; and the re-engagement of the World Bank to Angola, where analytical and advisory services, as well as $125 million in lending was provided to Angola following the end of the country’s 27-year civil war.
In the earlier years of his career, Dr. Mans served as an economist with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. In that role, he worked to establish a framework to avoid debt repudiation and restructure private commercial debt in Brazil and Chile. He also taught economics at the University of Maryland and served as a consultant to KPMG on infrastructure projects in Latin America.
Dr. Mans holds a doctorate in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a bachelor’s degree in economics and mathematics from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, where he was born.

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