The Sad Facts for Children in Africa

Written by: Ronald Saff
Medically reviewed by: Dr. Manan Trivedi and Barbara Meier
he Sad Facts for Children in Africa Twenty percent of Africa’s children die before the age of five. Africa has the highest infant mortality rate in the world: 118 African babies out of every 1,000 born alive die before their first birthday. Most African children die from malnutrition, diarrheal disease and the range of common … Read more
It Takes so little to save one child’s Life

Written by: Ronald Saff
Medically reviewed by: Dr. Manan Trivedi and Barbara Meier
But first it takes someone to say “yes”! Each year in sub-Saharan Africa, 20 percent of the children under the age of five die needlessly. Diarrheal disease and malnutrition kill huge numbers of children who do not have clean water or proper nutrition. Countless more children on the African continent die from preventable diseases such … Read more

Written by: Ronald Saff
Medically reviewed by: Dr. Manan Trivedi and Barbara Meier
REGION: West Africa CAPITAL CITY: Monrovia POPULATION: 3,241,000 LAND AREA: The size of Virginia Liberia was founded during the first half of the 19th century by freed black slaves from the United States and has remained independent ever since. Tragically, however, civil war engulfed Liberia from 1989 until 2003, with only brief interludes of peace. … Read more
Youth Empowerment

Written by: Ronald Saff
Medically reviewed by: Dr. Manan Trivedi and Barbara Meier
Challenge: Africa’s youth are at a critical turning point. Africa is young. Of the continent’s total population, more than 75% is under 35 years old, and young people there face profound challenges. The HIV & AIDS prevalence among Africans aged 15-24 is almost six times as high as the world rate. Many African youths are working, but most are … Read more
Africare helps Africa

Written by: Ronald Saff
Medically reviewed by: Dr. Manan Trivedi and Barbara Meier
A HOLIDAY STORY: How One Woman in Utah Brings Safe Water to Africa “My hopes and prayers are that someday … everyone in the world will have the necessary fresh water they need to sustain life.” Elsha Stockseth creates holiday cards benefiting the cause of safe water in Africa. Africare Commemorates World AIDS Day On … Read more
Who We Are

Written by: Ronald Saff
Medically reviewed by: Dr. Manan Trivedi and Barbara Meier
Africare is one of the most experienced and largest African-American led non-profit international development organizations, and we are leaders in development assistance to Africa. Since our founding in 1970, Africare has delivered more than $1 billion in assistance to tens of millions of men, women and children across the African continent. Our almost entirely African staff … Read more
Evelyn Boyd Simmons

Written by: Ronald Saff
Medically reviewed by: Dr. Manan Trivedi and Barbara Meier
Chief, External Affairs and Partnerships As Chief of External Affairs and Partnerships, Evelyn Boyd Simmons leads Africare’s initiatives to develop, maintain and leverage relationships with key stakeholders such as governments, international associations, academia, industry and non-governmental organizations. She is also Acting Chief Development Officer. Ms. Simmons has spent most of her career improving outcomes by focusing … Read more
Where We Work Africare/Kenya

Written by: Ronald Saff
Medically reviewed by: Dr. Manan Trivedi and Barbara Meier
History of Africare in Kenya: Water shortage, especially in the rural areas, is a pressing issue in Kenya. In 1988, Africare supported a project to construct a water well in the village of Gulumwoyo, in the Busia district, benefiting 1,000 people. Currently, Africare has no programs in Kenya.
Africare Ebola Outbreak Relief

Written by: Ronald Saff
Medically reviewed by: Dr. Manan Trivedi and Barbara Meier
Help West Africans turn the page on Ebola, reinforce their efforts to prevent future outbreaks, and support the region in reviving the economies that showed such promise not many months ago. You will receive an email confirmation upon completion of your transaction. This form is secure. If you would like to see this secure form … Read more
Letter from the President: March 31, 2017

Written by: Ronald Saff
Medically reviewed by: Dr. Manan Trivedi and Barbara Meier
A little more than three months ago, Donald J. Trump, was sworn-in as the 45th president of the United States. His status as a political outsider was certainly refreshing to many people who just wanted someone to go to Washington and make things work and help to make life better. President Trump has brought an interesting … Read more