Africare began operations in Malawi in 1985.
Since that time, Africare has invested in Malawi’s communities through projects addressing…
- Agriculture & Food Security
- Child Health
- Humanitarian and Emergency Relief
- Nutrition
- Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
- Women’s Empowerment
Click “Africare Programs” above to view Africare/Malawi’s active programs.
Success in Malawi
In July of 2009, Africare began implementing multifaceted strategies to show thousands of households how to maximize the benefits they derive from their limited resources. Community members, including 2,200 mother leaders, have been trained in feeding and sanitation measures to keep children nourished and healthy, and more than 21,000 households have improved maternal and child health and nutrition practices. Africare’s agriculture-focused interventions included mounting more than 200 demonstration plots, promoting conservation agriculture and watershed management, developing irrigation infrastructure and communicating the value of technologies such as hermitic bags for post-harvest handling. More than 20,000 smallholder farming households are now applying improved crop production practices. Africare also helped form 630 village savings and loan groups and trained their members on leadership, governance, recordkeeping, and borrowing and investing money. These groups, comprised of members from more than 14,000 households, have cumulatively saved $37,000 and secured $66,990 in loans to further invest in securing a prosperous future.
Check out our blog, or the related content to your left, to see more examples of Africare success in Malawi.
Improving Potable Water Access and Hygiene (WASH in Schools)
Donor: African Well Fund/H2O for Life/Proctor & Gamble/Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group
Implementing Partners: Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education in Mulanje District
Location: Mulanje District
Purpose: Improve water supply sanitation infrastructure and promote positive hygiene behavior in communities
Integrated (HIV Effect) Mitigation and Positive Action for Community Transformation
Donor: USAID
Implementing Partner: CRS
Location: Mulanje District
Purpose: Improve quality of life and lessen the impact of HIV for OVC and PLHIV
TOMS Shoe Distribution
Donor: TOMS
Purpose: Improve school attendance, boost self-esteem and safeguard children from injury and disease
Vegetables for Income and Nutrition in Eastern and Southern Africa (VINESA)
Donors: Asian Vegetable Research Center/The World Vegetable Center/Australian Center for International Agricultural Research
Implementing Partner: Bvumbe Agricultural Research Station
Location: Ntcheu District, Central Region
Purpose: Reduce malnutrition and increase incomes by promoting traditional and global vegetables, emphasizing value chains in peri-urban corridors
Wellness and Agriculture for Life Advancement
Donor: USAID
Implementing Partner: CRS
Location: Mulanje District, targeting 33 communities
Purpose: Improve food security, nutrition status and economic growth in target communities

Barbara Meier schreibt seit vielen Jahren für die NPAlliance Ratgeber und Testberichte. Dabei legt sie großen Wert auf die Ausführlichkeit sowie Richtigkeit ihrer Artikel. Sie zählt zu den wenigen Experten in ihrem Gebiet und hat sich über die letzten Jahren einen Namen in der Gesundheitsbranche gemacht.