Thank you for raising money for Africare!
Congratulations on taking the first step to improving the lives of the people of Africa! We are excited to learn that Africa is where you want to help and Africare is who you want to support. Africare partners with people in rural communities, usually in remote locations, throughout the continent of Africa to empower them to overcome the challenges they face. Here’s how you can help in your community:
1. Decide where you want your funds to go. You can either…
Donate to Where the Need is Greatest>> or Pick a Program or Project>>
2. Download Africare’s Community Advocacy & Fundraising Kit
This Kit will guide you through coming up with a fundraising idea and making it come to life.
3. Learn more…
Learn Who Raises Funds >>
See Some Fundraising Ideas>>
Learn What Your Money Can Buy>>
4. Let us know if you need help!
Still searching for an idea? Need a little more support?
Contact Africare’s Office of Development
Click here to try online fundraising or click here to learn more about our work.
Donate to Where the Need is Greatest
Africare’s coverage is among the widest and deepest of any organization working in Africa. Ninety percent of Africare’s staff is African, and with their on-the-ground approach Africare maintains an unparalleled knowledge of the continent – its challenges and opportunities. By donating your contributions without restrictions, you allow Africare to use your support where it is most needed.
Pick a Program or Project
There are many different ways for you to reach communities in Africa. You may wish to identify what you or your organization is passionate about, or you may donate to a specific program that’s already underway.
For instance, are you are interested in addressing clean water and sanitation practices at primary schools in Africa? Are you a group of students at a culinary institute, with food as your focus? Maybe you’re a nursing organization interested in reducing the transmission of HIV & AIDS from mother to child. Regardless of your charitable goals, Africare is engaged in a wide range of program areas and one of them is the right program for you.
Learn more about Africare’s program areas here.
Who Can Raise Funds
No group is too large or too small to host a successful fundraiser. Here are some examples:
Community: Churches, mosques and synagogues; youth groups and neighborhood organizations; civic groups, professional organizations and police/firefighter organizations; and many, many more.
Scholastic: Athletic teams, student government, fraternities and sororities, theater clubs, language clubs, band/choir/glee clubs, cheerleaders, debate teams, science clubs — even grade school classes are not too young.
Friends and Family: Quilting circles, book clubs, family reunions, marathon training groups, exercise groups and special occasions (in lieu of wedding gifts or funeral flowers, as birthday gifts or to mark other occasions).
Fundraising Ideas
The key to fundraising is to make it “fun.” There are many different ways to raise money for Afria, and below is a list of popular ideas to fundraise for Africare.
10 “Fun” Ways to Fundraise for Africare |
Bake Sales Walk-a-Thon, Dance-a-Thon, Bike-a-Thon, etc. Garage Sale Host a Potluck Dinner/Party |
Auction/ Online Auction Car Wash Facebook Causes Host an Event Collect Spare Loose Change/Start a Group Collection |
What Your Money Can Buy
Your donation to Africare, however small, can go a long way in improving the quality of life for the people of Africa.
The costs shown below might vary according to country.
For $5 You Can: |
For $10 You Can: |
For $25 You Can: |
For $50 You Can: |
For $100 You Can: |
For $250 You Can: |
For $500 You Can: |
For $1,000 You Can: |
For $2,000 You Can: |
For $5,000 You Can: |
*These examples are approximations and are subject to change due to area of project implementation and currency exchange rates. |

Barbara Meier schreibt seit vielen Jahren für die NPAlliance Ratgeber und Testberichte. Dabei legt sie großen Wert auf die Ausführlichkeit sowie Richtigkeit ihrer Artikel. Sie zählt zu den wenigen Experten in ihrem Gebiet und hat sich über die letzten Jahren einen Namen in der Gesundheitsbranche gemacht.