Thank you for raising money for Africare’s Ebola response!
Congratulations on taking the first step to saving lives and strengthening health systems in West Africa! We are excited to learn that you want to help and Africare is who you want to support. Here’s how you can help online:
1. Register to start and Ebola Campaign
Fill out this form and follow the directions below to start your own Ebola fundraising campaign. If you’re not on Twitter, that’s okay!
2. Tell everyone
Now that you’re registered, we’ve sent you an email with links to your profile page and a donation page built just for you and your supporters. First, we recommend you bookmark those pages! The next step is to get as many supporters as possible. Follow the suggestions below on your own or use the buttons in the “My Tools” tab of your Champions profile page to speed up the process.
Update your status
Post a short message on Facebook about your campaign. Link your post to your personal donation page, and all of your friends’ donations will count toward your fundraising total.
Get tweeting
Share the link to your donation page and an even shorter message with all your followers.
If you know how to blog you probably don’t need our help. But feel free to write about your fundraising efforts, and use the “My Tools” resources to embed a donation form or a status bar widget on your site.
Send emails
If everything you want to say can’t be contained by Facebook or Twitter, you can always send out emails with the link to your page. If you want inspiration, here is an example. Feel free to cut, paste and personalize!
Sample Email:
Hi Everybody,
I am launching a fundraising campaign to help West Africa respond to the Ebola outbreak, and I am counting on your support!
While caution is necessary, it appears West Africa is moving beyond the worst Ebola outbreak in history. But because of the staggering effects of the disease, much work remains to be done to replenish food production, revive businesses, care for orphans, and more. We can do something about this. Africare is partnering with local government authorities and local communities to empower households with knowledge and health habits to stay safe from the disease, strengthen local health care systems to prevent future outbreaks, and support community efforts to recover from Ebola’s wide-ranging effects.
Africare has worked directly with African communities for more than 40 years, and their work has helped communities overcome other diseases like river blindness, malaria and polio. Plus, 92 cents of every Africare dollar goes to program activities in Africa.
Please help me reach my goal of (INSERT GOAL AMOUNT) by donating now. Just follow this link: (INSERT LINK TO PERSONAL DONATION PAGE).
Thanks so much for your support!
3. Thank your supporters
Whenever someone donates to Africare through your page, we’ll update your fundraising status and notify you by email.
So you don’t forget, be sure to thank your friends for donating right away. Your notification emails will contain social media buttons that you can use to easily give your supporters the credit they deserve in public.
4. Let us know if you need help!
Having difficulty with the online system? We are happy to support you.
Click here to try fundraising in your community or click here to learn more about our work.

Barbara Meier schreibt seit vielen Jahren für die NPAlliance Ratgeber und Testberichte. Dabei legt sie großen Wert auf die Ausführlichkeit sowie Richtigkeit ihrer Artikel. Sie zählt zu den wenigen Experten in ihrem Gebiet und hat sich über die letzten Jahren einen Namen in der Gesundheitsbranche gemacht.