Managing Childhood Illnesses

Project: Community Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (CIMCI) Plus
Funders: USAID
Timeframe: 2003-08

The Problem: Ntungamo District in southwestern Uganda experiences high maternal, infant and child mortality rates. These poor health indicators are largely attributable to the high prevalence of malaria, diarrhea, malnutrition, and pneumonia among infants and children in this district.

Long-Term Goal of Project: Reduce morbidity and mortality among children under 5 and improve the health status of women in the reproductive age group in Ntungamo district.

Project Objectives:

  • To promote knowledge and behaviors related to the prevention of childhood illnesses at household and community levels.
  • To improve home management of the sick child at household and community levels by promoting timely and appropriate care seeking.
  • To improve accessibility of children under 5 and women of reproductive age to quality health services and products at both facility and community levels.
  • To strengthen national and district Ministry of Health capacity to replicate and sustain the CIMCI approach.

Direct Beneficiaries: 82,091 beneficiaries including 39,180 children under 5 and 42,911 women of child-rearing age

Stand Out Results:

  • Proportion of children 0-23 months old sleeping under a long lasting, insecticide-treated net increased from 14% to 87%.
  • Proportion of children 12-23 months old receiving the measles vaccine rose from 38% to 81%.
  • Proportion of children 12-23 months old who were breastfed within the first 60 minutes of delivery increased from 64% to 79%.
  • Proportion of women delivering in health centers increased from 19% to 32%.
  • Proportion of women having at least two tetanus toxoid shots before the birth of their youngest child increased from 28.6% to 64%.
  • Proportion of households with proper hand-washing practices increased from 4% to 55%.