Dear Africare Family,
It is with a heavy heart and deep regret that we must inform you of the passing of Africare Board Member Callisto Madavo. Callisto’s longstanding commitment to the people of Africa lives on in his contributions to the work of Africare and his many other worthwhile undertakings.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Callisto’s family at this time. Please help us share the news of this great loss by forwarding this message to others who may have had the good fortune to have known him.
CALLISTO MADAVO of Potomac, Maryland died in Ballito, South Africa on January 12, 2017. The eldest child of the late Pamhidzai and Mudzingwa Madavo, Callisto was born in Zimuto, Zimbabwe on October 14, 1942. He is survived and celebrated by his beloved wife of 37 years, Kathleen Madavo of Potomac, Maryland; devoted daughters, Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques (Michael Jean-Jacques) of New York, New York, and Emily Madavo, of Washington, DC.; and six brothers, three sisters, and many nieces and nephews across the globe.
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