Photo: Skyler Badenoch
On almost all measures – from the rates of child and maternal mortality, malnutrition, HIV & AIDS and deaths by preventable diseases, to the availability of clinics and medical personnel – Sub-Saharan Africa presents the world’s most serious health problems but has the fewest resources to solve them. Increasingly, African leaders are making health a top government priority, and Africare knows that African nations can take control of health issues.
Africare is strengthening African health systems with community-based, capacity building interventions, and our broad expertise enables partnerships with countries facing problems of all kinds: polio, maternal and child health, HIV & AIDS, orphans and vulnerable children, reproductive health, malnutrition, tuberculosis or malaria.
Graduating Clinics with Success:
Injongo Yethu Project
Funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and the Coca-Cola Foundation, the Injongo Yethu Project has strengthened and expanded the delivery of quality, comprehensive HIV & AIDS services to residents of the Eastern Cape.
Since 2004, more than 116 facilities have been supported by the project through a graduated health systems strengthening approach. More than 400 health care workers were trained in specialized HIV services including preventing mother-to- child transmission, adult and pediatric HIV treatment and psychosocial support. These clinics have become a community- based “one-stop-shop” for all HIV & AIDS patients’ needs. The goal of the project is to reduce occurrences of the disease and ensure that those infected are able to lead productive and healthy lives while receiving treatment. |

Learn how Africare places
Africans in control of health issues