President and Chief Executive Officer
As Africare’s President and CEO, Robert L. Mallett is responsible for developing the strategic vision for the organization in a new environment for development assistance. He articulates to stakeholders, old and new, Africare’s unique guiding philosophy and value proposition. At the same time, Mr. Mallett ensures the organization’s well-known technical capabilities continue to result in program excellence reflecting Africare’s leadership in contributing to the social and economic development of Africa.
Mr. Mallett has a diverse background in law, government, public policy, healthcare and international development. Before joining Africare in late 2015, Mr. Mallett served on the Board of Directors for seven years and as President and CEO at Accordia Global Health Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping Africa overcome the burden of infectious diseases.
Prior to his leadership at Accordia, Mr. Mallett was a senior corporate executive at two of the world’s largest companies. He was Executive Vice President and General Counsel for the Public & Senior Markets Group at United Healthcare, the largest private healthcare insurer in the United States. At Pfizer Inc., the global pharmaceutical company, Mr. Mallett served as Senior Vice President of Worldwide Public Affairs and Policy and as President of the Pfizer Foundation. He was also an officer of the company.
Mr. Mallett also has been in private practice at international law firms in the United States, and he served in former President Bill Clinton’s administration as Acting Secretary and Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Mr. Mallett is a graduate of Morehouse College and received a law degree from Harvard University.

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