Salem Baptist Church Become Africare Sustainers

Salem Baptist Church is committed to supporting their brothers and sisters in under-served South African communities. On June 11 members of their congregation traveled from Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, to Africare House to learn more about Africare programs in South Africa, and to inaugurate our partnership as they generously decided to become Africare Sustainers through regular programmatic contributions.

Africare staff, South African Embassy representatives and the Salem Baptist congregation united for several hours in fellowship. Director of the Salem Mission Ministry, Deacon Gregory Harvey, and Salem’s Director of International Missions, Robin L. Johnson, spoke of the challenges millions of South Africans still face, the importance of overcoming them and Salem’s commitment to supporting South Africa’s citizens in doing so. South African Embassy’s Deputy Chief of Mission, Ms. Nowetu Luti, discussed South Africa, the country’s foreign policy and the government’s successful relationship with Africare. Africare Technical Specialist, Eden Mdluli, described the many different ways our Injongo Yethu project strengthens health systems and supports those affected by HIV & AIDS in the country’s Eastern Cape. Africare Co-Founder Dr. Joseph C. Kennedy even shared remarkable stories from his youth, from the early days of Africare.

Dr. Kennedy also noted how crucial support from church groups was in Africare’s establishment and growth. Thanks so much to Salem Baptist for your commitment to Africare’s mission, and thanks for your visit. You are welcome any time!

We look forward to hearing from you!
