Project: The Timbuktu Food Security Initiative
Funders: USAID
Timeframe: FY08-13
The Problem: In Mali, the Timbuktu Region is the most prone to chronic food insecurity. Households in this region produce food only four months per year due to weak annual rainfall, declining yields, increasing soil infertility from desertification, and extreme climatic variability.
Long Term Goal: To increase the sustainability and resiliency of food security systems across the Timbuktu Region, particularly through increased utilization of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) methodology.
Project Objectives:
- Increase community capacity to manage risks and cope with shocks.
- Improve household access to food, and increase area under irrigated production.
- Improve rice productivity using SRI methodology.
- Encourage local adoption by integrating agricultural research into field trials.
- Improve the health and nutritional status of vulnerable populations.
Direct Beneficiaries: 91,000 individuals. 2,480 of which will benefit from the SRI initiative.
Stand Out Results:
- In 2006 alone, 62 hectares generated 50 tons of soybean seeds and 215 tons of soybeans were sold through bulk sales. An estimated 185 tons were retained for consumption and seed.
- Approximately 120 metric tons of soybeans harvested in target communities were dedicated to the agro-processing and marketing of soybean oil.
- Reached a 95% repayment rate on loans capitalized through project funds and member savings.

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