Peter Francis is the founder and president of Global Energy Consultants, which specializes in providing advice to the oil and gas industry in emerging and developing countries. Mr. Francis completed 30 years of service with ExxonMobil in a number of executive treasury and government relations positions in the U.S., Europe and Africa. He has extensive knowledge of working in developing and transition economies; how to influence and build relationships with senior government officials; and developing strategies to support new business entry. He also has extensive knowledge of working with U.S./U.K./Brussels government agencies, multilateral and international financial institutions and NGOs. Mr. Francis was educated at Croydon College, Surrey and City University Business School, London and holds professional qualifications as Associate and Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute London. He is a member of Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Energy Institute and has served on the U.S.-Kazakhstan Business Council, U.S.-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce, U.S.-Qatar Business Council, U.S.-Angola Business Council and the Corporate Council on Africa. He serves on the advisory boards of: the Gulf of Guinea Local Content Fund, a provider of equity capital to African oil field service companies; AARD Energy, a South African based engineering company specializing in gas to liquids; and Oracle Energy Corporation, a Canadian TSX listed company focused on exploration and production in Africa.

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