Chief of Programs
In his role as Chief of Programs, Franklin Moore will be responsible for building and managing our large, growing and diverse portfolio of development projects.
Prior to his latest appointment as Deputy Assistant Administrator in the USAID Bureau of Africa, his second stint in the position, Mr. Moore served in Rome as USAID’s Senior Development Counselor and Senior Advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to Rome-based United Nations organizations from July 2010 to December 2012. Mr. Moore also was Director of the Office of Environment and Science Policy within the Agency’s Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade in 2002-08, and he served as the Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator and Director for the Agency’s Global Center for the Environment.
Mr. Moore has a bachelor’s degree in Economics with a minor in Art History from Yale University. He received a master’s degree in Agricultural Economics, as well as a certificate in African Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mr. Moore has lived and worked in both West and Southern Africa; he has worked in approximately 40 countries overseas.
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